Tag Archives: Sydney

Dating 101** Eight texts that cover off Sydney dating experiences

A typical Mars Vs Venus scenario that reigns true when dating a Sydney-sider (based on means tested situations with Sydney based guys and gals)


Dual thought process after a first date that wasn’t a complete disaster:



I really like him, he was such a gentleman, we really had the spark




Damn I held the door open for her and still didn’t get laid



Dual thought process the day after:



I definitely think I’ll hear from him, he said that “when we hang out again” and he was talking about his family and asking loads of questions




Hmmm do I want pizza or Mexican for dinner today?!


After neither has got a text after 3 days:



What if he got his phone stolen? What if he got on with me SO well that he’s freaked out and backed off? What if his memory got erased off his phone and now he has no way of contacting me?




Huh, maybe I’ll drop her a text


After receiving first text after first date:



I knew we had chemistry, I’m so excited for him to take me out again. He’s so not like the other guys I’ve been with!




Boom she text back, the 3 day rule always works! Now maybe I’ll get laid on date 2!


Text to friends as they’re on their way to date two




I’m so excited, I wore a nice skirt to show off my legs and covered up my cleavage as I don’t want to give too much away, I’m totally wearing natural make-up that took me 3 hours to do! Wish me luck!




Fingers crossed she’s showing off her tits, they’re awesome!


During date:




He’s being so nice to me, I might even stay over




She’s pretty fit, hopefully she’ll want to put out


The next morning:



On my god, he is the best person ever! I’m totally going to be with him. There were fireworks, chemistry it’s all so romantic!






A week later:




Can’t believe he’s not text or called, if he’s not into me the least he can do is just tell me rather than go AWOL… I’m a big girl. Urrghhh I hate men!




To another girl: “So when are you going to let me take you out babe?”


What my friends have to say on the matter…


CELEBRITY 101** My week avoiding Gerard Butler

As you probably know, I like to go to the odd party or two and love living in Sydney! As a Brit who’s flown the nest, I’ve been here 5 years now and am proud to call this country home!


I love that I get to see Sydney from a privileged viewpoint and don’t ever take it for granted! Coming from a small working class town in the North West of England, I don’t ever forget where I come from, but am thankful for the experiences that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of since arriving here in Jan 2009.

I recently had a week that just makes living in Sydney all the more surreal, yet all the more wonderful!

I went to the Sol Beer MTV VIP party a couple of on Friday 7th March, it was a great event, fab Djs, free beer and Mexican food and a great location – what’s not to love!


My lovely friend and I got to talking about out ideal man… as you do! My lovely companion advised that she tends to go for blue-eyed, preppy, clean cut blondies who are ambitious and independent, as a general rule – whereas I couldn’t pinpoint my exact type without referring to an actual person – Gerard Butler – successful, British (more importanly Scottish), humble, likes a party and appears to not take himself too seriously and of course easy on the eye! We laughed at the slim chance of me meeting an A list actor and carried on with our night….

Only for me to get home and check my Facebook to see that my lovely old boss Juliet had uploaded a picture with said A-list star at The Royal Hotel in Paddington, my old local and stomping ground… no it couldn’t be… oh yes it was:

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Juliet proceeded to tell me that they had a few drinks with him throughout the course of the evening and that he was lovely, of course he bloody well was! – Cue story in the morning after’s Daily Tele’s Confidential section advising that the lovely man in question had been ‘spotted’ at The Royal in Paddington with a ‘mysterious blonde’, who was of course the lovely Juliet ! What are the chances hey?! It appears that they’re not actually as far fetched as I initially thought!

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Fast forward to the Saturday night, I had decided to go camping at The Basin instead of going to Future Festival as I was trying to be good and it was a friends birthday! The day after I found out my friend Sasha was there and had a great day – I wish I’d have known as I would’ve gone with her! After a great night camping I decided to check my phone the Sunday morning… Cue the following status from Sasha – #GREEN!

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So once is a funny story, twice is a massive coincidence right…. It gets worse…



A week of work passes by and I decided to have a chilled Friday night with my friend – I cooked dinner, we chilled in the spa, watched Sleepless in Seattle… at about 10 I decided to check my Facebook to be greeted by not one, but two of the following statuses! Yup NOT EVEN KIDDING! This is getting a bit ridiculous…

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I didn’t let this get to me, I am happy for my friends – it’s not everyday one of your friend’s gets to meet an A list star (you’d THINK!)… Plus one of my clients is based at Fox Studios and I had a meeting there later that week, so who knows, I may bump into him whilst ordering my coffee before my meeting… here’s hoping!



Roll on Saturday, I went on a boat round the harbour during the day with 20 of my friends – a lovely day. I was due to go to the VIP launch of Casablanca Bar in Double Bay, but had other plans to catch up with some girlfriends… Low and behold who was the VIP guest at the launch… oh yes that’s right – Mr Butler himself! I give up!



You’d think that after all that, I’d start to think that the powers that be are trying to tell me something – we no, not me, resilience is my middle name… how did I know that this attitude would come to bite me back in the butt..?



I was messaging a friend of mine on the Sunday morning, who was also meant to be at the Casablanca event the previous evening, I was laughing and tell her about my ‘week avoiding Gerard Butler’ she advised that she didn’t go either – we arranged to meet up, she did say she was going to Winery, but I figured I’d go for a walk along the Watson’s Bay headland and take advantage of the sunny Sydney Sunday morning… the Sunny Sydney Sunday morning didn’t last very long as a storm broke out… so I sheltered in Bondi at Trios with my lovely friend Sprite!



After a day of relaxing, I went to the cinema to watch Monuments Men, a perfect way to end a lovely weekend! The film was only ok, I decided to walk back to Pyrmont as it was a nice evening, whilst walking I noticed I had a text message from my friend Natasha who I’d been chatting to in the morning about my week, I leave you on this note, I’ll leave it to you to imagine what my reaction was…


So I’m walking along the street after having a big lunch with my gay friend at the winery and I notice Gerald butler is standing in front of me. He turns around and asks me to help him find somewhere to eat. So I find a quiet place on crown where it is literally dead as people have been harassing him, and we have coffee and he tells me all about this movie he is making here! I then stand up after an hour and a half and say I have to go and work and then say goodbye! Sooo random!! hahaha crazy after us texting about him this morning lol still can’t believe it 


NO WORDS! I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – “Is there a camera following me around or what?!”


Valentine’s Day 101** Dr Nikki Goldstein – Sexologist & Relationship Expert

Dr Nikki Goldstein – Sexologist & Relationship Expert has provided Dating 101 Sydney with some great tips this Valentine’s – http://www.drnikkig.com.au
What is the best place for a first date in Sydney?
We are spoilt for choice in sydney between cafes and outdoor activities but the best first date I’ve experienced was a picnic in the park looking onto the Harbour Bridge followed by pizzas and cocktails at Lil Darlin in Darlinghurst. 
What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date venue and why?
I love a home cooked dinner especially by a man who does’t normally cook. Any day of the night I can go out to a restaurant but when that special man goes to all that trouble to work out how to put something in the oven it melts my heart
Expensive date or fun cheap??
Expensive dates for first dates and fun and cheap for a second. It’s important to make a strong first impression. People are dating at a faster pace these days so it really does matter to make your mark. But why not when you have shown them you can spoil them and treat them to something nice, get back the basics and show your fun side and also that you can enjoy something that doesn’t revolve around money. 
What can couples do to spice up their Valentine’s Day night?
In order to spice things up it’s important to get out of routine and do something different If you are the couple that normally go to an expensive restaurant then why not try an activity or pack a picnic or maybe there is something you have always wanted to do. It doesn’t always have to be so traditional but it’s important to do something different. 

Is there ever a wrong type?

I have many friends that talk incessantly about the wrong ‘type’ of guy, more often that not it’s usually the type of guy that they go far and can’t stop no matter how hard they try.

I used to fall in this said category, I was a fan of the lad about town, the guy that catches the girls eyes and the guy that might as well have ‘trouble’ tattooed on his forehead! No matter how hard I tried to break this cycle, as soon as I saw the cheeky glint in their eye, I knew I was putty in their hands.

Now, I’ve broken this cycle after four years of going round and around (and then around again for good measure) in circles, playing the mating game and failing miserably (I was never ever any good at the rules anyway!). Now I am in a relationship with a guy that is none of the above (however I don’t doubt he used to be one of these types, he must’ve just been ready for a relationship).

Now I have friends that complain that they haven’t met ‘the one’ or haven’t got a boyfriend even though they’re ‘oh so ready’. However when they do meet guys that are lovely, good looking, funny and most of all are into them, you’d think they’d be ecstatic right?! Well… no! My girlfriend’s think the guys are boring, or ‘too’ keen so decide to not pursue. Now this really gets my goat, and here’s why:

Before I begin I must outline and stress that I don’t think that anyone should ever compromise when it comes to a relationship or matters of the heart, I do however believe that some people’s ‘ideals’ have more to them than meets the eye and are in fact a contradiction!

How many of your friends have been known to have the ‘type’ that consists of the jack the lad, good looking, popular-player type that oozes confidence and has a way with the ladies? Then they complain that they never get asked out on dates and that guy’s only want them for one thing… However on the off chance that they do get asked out on a date, more often than not, it’s with someone who’s lovely, good looking, perhaps not as cock sure albeit, but your GF isn’t interested as they’re too soft/ keen/ wet/ all of the above.

What gets me that if the good looking player type took them out and fell for them hard, they’d probably get bored too. The case of the wanting of what one cannot have comes to mind.

The fact is that in Sydney, it is a completely different ball game, guys could have a fit bird every night of the week if they wanted – and you know what, they probably wouldn’t have to try too hard. If a guy doesn’t want to be in a relationship, no matter how hot, friendly, driven, funny or sexy you are, you might struggle to change their mind.

You have to open yourself up to the fact that your usual type, may not be the right type for you and that’s why you’re still single. Sure there are the stories of the girls that met their future husband in a night club on a wild night out and fell into bed with one another and never looked back… I would argue the fact however that they are more of the case of the exception rather than the rule.

The nightclubs of Sydney are a whole new ball game and cat and mouse games are taking place all over the city. Girls are out and about hunting in packs for the guys that they long for and craving the attention they desire. Whilst on the other side, the guys only have to show up and not be offensive looking and they can bet their bottom dollar that they’ll score that night, most likely without even trying.

Now I don’t profess to be a dating expert, nor do I shy away from the mistakes and experiences I’ve had in the past, after all they make us who we are today right?! What I do have the benefit of though is hindsight and a shed loads of experience to boot.

I’ve come to the conclusion, it’s not about taming the bad boy, donning a chastity belt in order to ensure that the guy isn’t just with you for s3x or lowering your standards in order to be in a relationship. It’s about not resting on your laurels and acting as you would in your home town or country or just ‘before Sydney’. If you don’t like to sleep with people on the first date, don’t here, if you expect to be taken out before you’ll kiss a guy, do the same here… you get my drift?

If you’re finding yourself stuck in a dating rut and the guys you go for are all the same, how about when a relationship breaks down and doesn’t work out for any reason, make a note to yourself about qualities in the guy/ relationship you didn’t like, and try to ensure the next person doesn’t have these traits. By process of elimination, you should slowly get there!

**GUEST POST** Under, Under, Under (under about my breakup, under another man and down under!)

Please find a guest post below from one of my lovely friends who recently went through a break up – not nice for anyone – never mind after four bloomin years!


So she did what any normal person would do (including yours truly) She went to get over her ex by going under (down under that is!).


Read on my blogger friends – she won’t disappoint you!


Over to you my lovely:


So they say the best way to get over one man is to get under another right?!


Well, my man was Sydney! I travelled all the way round the world to meet up with two of my best friends and really get over my recent heart break.


Just to put you in the picture, I has been living with my then boyfriend (/ moron) of four years, all was OK (or so I thought) Albeit not as exciting as it was at the start, but I was utterly convinced that we were going to be together forever and that all relationships go through stale patches… Well our stale patch lasted a while and culminated with said bastard cheating on me and our relationship limping on for another six months.


I recently turned 30, (I found it utterly, utterly traumatic in the lead up, but when you actually cross the line its fab!) my ex and I had a particular weekend where everything came to a head. He admitted that he couldn’t pretend he was happy anymore and I wasn’t going to pretend that I was going to put up with his behaviour anymore.


So to cut a long story short, I walked out, I knew I deserved better. One of my dear friends took me under her wing; she moved me in and helped to put me back on my feet.


The only issue that still remained… What to do with the flights we’d booked to Vietnam together for three weeks?! Well change them to Sydney ASAP and not a moment sooner of course!


So, faster than I could say g’day, I was on a flight on my own to the other side of the world. (Not scary, not scary at all… ahem!) Now I know 18 year olds do this and more on their gap years, but for an emotionally battered, slightly wimpy 30 year-old it was trip of a lifetime for more than one reason.


Now Optimist101 is an excellent friend of mine, she looked after me wonderfully and introduced me to the fabulousness that is Sydney.


For a first time visitor, wow what a city!


Love, love, love it!


It was a strange start to the trip, as Australia is very much tied up with my ex, he’d lived in Australia for a couple of years and had always really wanted to go back. We’d even talked about going together. When I’d raised the issue of wanting kids in a couple of years, he would just say: “oh well our kids would have dual nationality, how cool!” The things guys tell you hey?!

At the start of my holiday, all I could think about was that he’d been here, he’d done this and it was all about him. Slowly however I started to think that this was my trip and it was all about me and I didn’t want him to crowd my mind any more. (Nothing like out of sight out of mind)


It certainly made me put things into perspective and made me think that, if I can do a trip like this by myself, be sent to a press launch by myself for Dating101 then I could do pretty much anything! Actually being single, when I thought I’d never had to do that again, maybe wouldn’t be too bad…

I had a particularly cheesy moment on the Coogee to Bondi walk when I suddenly felt like I should shout into the sea and that it would release all of my tension. However I quickly decided that


a) I am not in a film

b) I’d look like a dick.


So I did the typically British thing and kept my feelings to myself, but still felt that bit of extra relief regardless..


Now, I’ve got a lot more to tell you if you’d like to listen and my philosophy (for what it’s worth) so please let Optimist101 know and more posts will come your way…


Also, just to tempt you, I have some simply ridiculous  first date tales that will put Optimist101 to shame: One night stands and online dating stories so plenty more to come if you like!


Thanks for listening, E 🙂

NYE – The hot and the not of Sydney

This will be my third NYE in Australia and my third in Sydney (I had the pleasure of snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef on NYE 2010 – 2011. This year I’ll be landing in Sydney at 10am on 31st ready to hit the ground running and to celebrate NYE with my friends in two.

When I first arrived in Sydney I would’ve had no idea as to how I was supposed to spend NYE in the magical city that is Sydney. Yeah sure Sydney Harbour is the obvious choice – but I thought I’d give you a little insight into the NYE celebrations that go somewhat against the grain and are a little lesser knows. If you have any suggestions that you’d like to add, please feel free to in the comments section below.

So here you have it Datinf101Sydney’s guide to NYE celebrations 2011 – 2012! Enjoy!

Sydney Harbour – Circular Quay

The most recognisable park of Sydney, not just at NYE, but anytime of the year, tourists, locals and residents flock in their tens of thousands to catch a glimpse of the fireworks, the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

It is a sight to behold and certainly is one for the ‘bucket list’ I just warn you that you’ll have to get a spot from 11am to be able to see anything. The floor is uncomfortable, so take an inflatable chair/ bean bag/ cushion. It also gets progressively busier as the day goes on.

Best spot in my humble opinion are on the grass outside the Overseas Passenger Terminal, everyone flocks to the Opera House, when this area is closed off to the public on the day. Don’t go with the crowds, the bridge can be seen for miles, you won’t miss anything by going on the other side of circular quay.

Luna Park

Luna Park boasts unprecedented views of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House from the North side of the Bridge – it’s not only the views that might entice you…

Harbour Party is inviting you to dance your way into the New Year with performances from world class musical acts plus the best views of the Sydney New Years Eve fireworks, at one of the most incredible locations the city has to offer: Sydney’s own Luna Park!


Cherry at The Star

Cherry is the latest bar to be revealed in The Star’s new redevelopment. An intimate cocktail bar located in the heart of Sydney’s new entertainment destination it offers guests stunning views across Sydney harbour and the city in luxurious style. Perfect to take in the NYE celebrations across Sydney with a vantage view point.

Cherry fuses a rich colour palate with sleek tones and modern textures. With a capacity for over 200, the welcoming yet semi-formal bar has a mixture of plush lounges, cosy corners, bar stools and elevated lounges.

The bar team at Cherry will be serving up quality beers, a selection of refined wine varietals and if there is a spirit Cherry doesn’t have, it’s not worth drinking. Guests can enjoy one of Cherry’s signature cocktails such as the Lemon Cherry Tart. This gem is made with Belvedere pure vodka, Mozart dry chocolate liqueur and dry vermouth, shaken with lemon juice and lemon butter served straight up as a martini and topped with cherry foam and brandied cherry.

Entertainment will also be one of the major appeals, with Sydney’s best DJ’s mixing tunes from Thursdays to Sundays. Resident DJ’s set the mood, from chilled house beats and funk and soul to pumping house party tunes.

The Ivy – Pool Club

The Ivy is widely regarded as one of Sydney’s best venues, it never fails to deliver! True – there can be the usual poser culprits that think that they’re better than everyone else, we just choose to ignore those types of have fun with our friends! This NYW The Ivy is celebrating with a Secret Garden Theme.

You can register for the ticket ballot here:

The Glenmore

I will be heading to the Glenmore with my friends and boyfriend, it has the perfect view of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Located in the Rocks, it’s in the heart of the action without being in the thick of it to the point of being stressful.

For $300 we have access to the roof top terrace, drinks for three hours and a glass of Moet to welcome in the New Year.

The Rocks is a great should for NYE, if you’re not able to get tickets to the Glenmore, there are plenty of other pubs in The Rocks that I would recommend to frequent:

  • Hero of Waterloo
  • The Heart
  • The Australian
  • The Argyle
  • Lord Nelson

Rushcutters Bay

A great location at the tip of the Eastern Suburbs, views of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge provide a great spot to watch the world renowned fireworks light up the sky.

It is important to note however that for this year there is a no alcohol rule for the area – so might be more of a family affair as opposed to a rowdy party with your mates.


If you are looking to welcome in 2012 with a glass of sparkling, Balmain might just be the answer. This quaint suburb just across the Anzac Bridge provides a perfect balance of space, alcohol being permitted and even views of the fireworks. Take a blanket, beers and nibbles and you can enjoy and relax in the knowledge you’re not going to be fighting for space and a good view.

Pyrmont Point

Pyrmont Point again is an ideal location if you’re not concerned with ‘being in the thick of it ‘you will still be able to see the harbour bridge, but from the other (west) side.

You can get a bus, ferry or tram to the park that is located just behind The Star Casino. There’s also DIY BBQs installed if you fancy cooking up a storm whilst preparing to welcome 2012.

Other areas to think about

Glebe Island – Sydney Resolution

Taronga zoo

Chinese Laundry

Town Hall Hotel


Selina’s Coogee

Ravisis Bondi Beach

Please feel free to e-mail me if you’d like more info! Dating101sydney (at) hotmail dot com

Marble Bar 118th Anniversary!

I’m sure by now you all know that I’m a PR by day, I haven’t really expanded on my area of expertise/ passion as it’s always good to leave a little bit to the imagination right?

 I can reveal that one of my favourite sectors to work within is travel, I began my career working for an international airline and thrived on the fast paced industry and of course the face that it enabled me to see the world. I was very lucky to be elected to host media famils to Antigua, Barbados and Moscow – my job to showcase the airline, once I got the destination it was my turn to sit back and enjoy and let the tourism authority take over whilst I went along for the ride. I look back very fondly of that time and the amazing sights I got to witness and take part in – swimming with Stingrays and rainforest canopy tours in Antigua, eating at The Cliff in Barbados and standing in the middle of St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow in awe!

 This is where my passion to travel came from and is one of the factors as to how I ended up living and working in Sydney. If you’d have told me back then that in five years time I’d be living in Sydney, doing a job I love and blogging about my experiences I would’ve been a very happy girl!

 One of the great things about working in the PR industry is that literally everybody knows everybody and you also very quickly become aware of who is a master of their craft. When I was invited to the 118th birthday of Marble Bar by the new PR Manager, I knew that I would be in for a treat. (I’ve been to her events before and they never fail to impress). I had never heard of Marble Bar before, that was until I was taken there on a date the week before the event – funny how that happens isn’t it – never heard of somewhere then you end up there twice in one week.

 The thing that strikes me most about the bar is its sheer opulence and history. One of my friends who I took with me explained that it used to be THE place to be in the sixties, her mum described it as the place where you went to be seen, which in all honesty I find heartbreaking that it isn’t anymore. Once you see the bar you immediately wish that you’d known about it sooner, so it’s great that the PR Manager has been brought on board to raise the awareness of the venue that is, Marble Bar.

 Tucked underneath the Hilton Sydney like a secret den, the landmark Marble Bar is a funky musical hub in the heart of the city. It’s a setting to enjoy live artists in decadent surrounds and sample premium beers, fine wines and classic cocktails.

 With the overall design of the Hilton Sydney cool and contemporary, Marble Bar is a place to relive memories and create new ones.

 Loved by generations past and present, Marble Bar is a completely unique Sydney spot. Liza Minnelli, George Benson, Wyclef Jean, Eve, Kelly Rowland, Mischa Barton, Ewan McGregor (swoooooon), Adam Lambert and Slash have all partied amongst its breathtaking and original marble features. Local rockers Cold Chisel announced their comeback tour at Marble Bar just last month, revisiting the very scene of their 1979 album cover ‘Breakfast at Sweethearts’ which was photographed at the bar.

Marble Bar History

Marble Bar is now a designated national monument – the 118 year old Heritage-listed watering hole is architecturally breathtaking. The original George Adams Bar, named after its talented builder, was crafted costing the (then astronomical) sum of 32,000 pounds. The bar was relocated from Tattersall’s in 1973 and Hilton Sydney’s original architect J.H. Bryant assumed the role of Marble Bar historian having published several journal articles on the history of the bar.

In the following decades the bar hosted generations of international visitors and local revellers alike, yet the years took their toll. Smoke damage, staining and general wear and tear dulled the gleam of this world class masterpiece. As the Hilton Sydney underwent its own renovation, Marble Bar lay dormant, tucked underneath tonnes of concrete like a secret bunker ready to be unearthed. To restore the bar to its former glory was a labour of love, but each hand crafted column, rejuvenated cedar frame and perfectly shaped cornice now sparkles with renewed magnificence since its restoration in 2005.

Today patrons can enjoy the original 15th Century Italian Renaissance influence of the Marble Bar including 35 different varieties of Italian, Belgian and African marble as well as stained glass doors and ceilings, ornate carved bars of mahogany and a gallery of 14 Julian Ashton paintings valued at an estimated $1.6 million AUD. Marble Bar also features the four original fireplaces, which were restored piece by piece when the bar was moved from Tattersall’s.


About Hilton Hotels & Resorts

One of the most recognized names in the industry, Hilton Hotels & Resorts stands as the stylish, forward thinking global leader in hospitality. From inaugural balls and Hollywood award galas to business events and days to remember, Hilton is where the world makes history, closes the deal, toasts special occasions and gets away from it all. The flagship brand of Hilton Worldwide continues to build upon its legacy of innovation by developing products and services to meet the needs of tomorrow’s savvy global travelers while more than 144,000 Team Members shape experiences in which every guest feels cared for, valued and respected. Today, the Hilton Hotels & Resorts portfolio includes more than 540 hotels in 78 countries and the brand remains synonymous with “hotel.”

Access the latest Hilton news at www.hiltonglobalmediacenter.com or begin your journey at www.hilton.com. Social media users can engage with Hilton at

www.twitter.com/hiltononline, www.facebook.com/hilton and www.youtube.com/hilton.

Hilton Hotels & Resorts is one of Hilton Worldwide’s ten market-leading brands. 


About Hilton Sydney

Aspire to Hilton Sydney…centrally located in Sydney CBD close to shopping and entertainment, Hilton Sydney offers 577 luxury accommodation rooms and suites plus four dedicated levels of conference and events space catering up to 3000 delegates. The hotel also features Luke Mangan’s renowned restaurant glass brasserie, the stylish and award-winning Zeta Bar, iconic Marble Bar and LivingWell Premier Health Club and Day Spa.

I’ll leave you with a few images from the event (cos I’m nice like that)…

*COMPETITION* Win a meal for two with Jigocity.com.au

There is such an array of deals websites out there, hand up who has about five million e-mails coming into their inbox from the likes of Cudo, Spreets, Groupon and LivingSocial?! Thought so!

I am one of those people that buys a diving course as a ‘bargain’ for $50, which should’ve been $250, but then never use it, so waste money rather than save! So imagine how refreshing it was to come across a website that provides the same service but thinks a little bit outside of the box to reward you for your loyalty and continued support.

JigoCity Daily Deals (www.jigocity.com.au) launched in 2010 as a suite of global, high quality daily deals websites that
offer great discounts of up to 91% off the best local experiences while offering businesses a targeted marketing tool for attracting new customers.  Founded by a group of global entrepreneurs, JigoCity is dedicated to delivering top daily group buying deals
featuring shopping, beauty, entertainment and travel.

 What is the prize?

Seafood Banquet in Leichardt – http://www.jigocity.com.au/sydney/CrepesKingdom

If you thought Leichardt was only known for its Italian Pastas and Pizzas then you are rudely mistaken. Nestled in the Italian Piazza is the famous Crepes Kingdom that is fast becoming known for its delicious menu and friendly service.


Now you too can experience this revolution with today’s deal fit for a king and queen with a Fresh Seafood Platter for 2 including Prawns, Calamari, Scallops, Octopus, Fish, Salad and Chip sides and 2 Glasses of complimentary Wine for only $35. I’m actually salivating at the thought.

This deal is normally valued at $73, meaning you save over 52% and can enjoy tasty underwater delights without it sinking your wallet!

Yes Crepes Kingdom is famously known for its sweet and savoury crepes, so why seafood? Well the friendly team at Crepes Kingdom believe that diners should enjoy a complete hearty meal not just a tasty dessert.

So what better main meal option than to provide the most sort after seafood delights in a platter that your tastebuds will revel in! The seafood is sourced from the freshest suppliers and is complimented by a wine picked especially for seafood.

Not only is the food to die for but so is the venue. Situated in the pleasant location of the Italian Piazza the views and the atmosphere let you experience the magic of an Italian Forum without having to travel miles. You can choose to
dine inside or outside and the friendly servers will gladly accommodate any request you have.

How do I win?

If you’re interested in winning the amazing prize courtesy of Jigocity,com.au, simply ‘Like’ Dating101Sydney  on Facebook and tell me what your favourite date destination is.

Best entry gets the deal and five lucky runners-up will secure five JigoPoints. Good luck guys!!!

Here’s the Deal

JigoCity offers a great deal each day from a variety of businesses — including restaurants, bars, spas, theatres, events and more.

Landing the Deal

You only have a limited time to purchase the Today’s Deal! Once you buy it, they send you a confirmation email with a
coupon code and password that you can either download, print out or send as an SMS message to your mobile so you can show it to the business when you redeem your deal. Deals do expire so be sure to use them soon.

Sharing the Deal

Each deal has a minimum number of orders that must be sold before the deal is “tipped” — this is “group buying” — so share the great deal you’ve landed with friends and family. Not only are deals better when you share them with friends and family, for each person you refer you’ll earn JigoPoints that can be used like cash at JigoCity.com.au. (Deals that don’t meet their minimums will be cancelled and you won’t be charged.)

So what are you waiting on? Check out Today’s Deal before it expires and start seeing more in your city for less!

I’ve been invited to review one of the deals that is currently available, you know I’m always looking for potential new dating
destinations to frequent, so this is a win, win situation! Review to follow next week!

In the meantime, I’ve teamed up with the guys at Jigo City to offer one of my lucky blog readers the chance to sample one of the current live deals for themselves. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s all about sharing the blogger love 🙂

For five lucky runners up, they’ll also receive 5 Jigo City points that they can redeem on the website against the daily offers.

**Competition closes on Tuesday 6th September 2011, all winners will be notified by e-mail before 12pm on Friday 9th September 2011